Case Studies

Customer Analysis and Segmentation

  • The project required analysis of a combination of financial performance data on customers and information on other aspects of each customer, including behavioural characteristics.
  • We developed presentation materials in conjunction with the client, for each country in the scope of the analysis as well as an overall summary, through which the analysis outcomes were shared inside the client’s business during workshop presentations.
  • Ultimately this supported the client in understanding the outcomes clearly and in developing new views on customer management, strategies & value propositions.

Route to Market Analysis

  • We brought together government and other data sources regarding the location of market opportunity inside a country, split by various different sectors of the market.
  • The market opportunity analysis was combined with internal client data on their existing distribution network’s location, financial performance, and capabilities.
  • Presentation materials displayed the outcomes in such a way that the geography of the opportunity was easy to understand for all stakeholders, including those who were less familiar with the country in question.
  • This analysis provided the framework for the client to make informed decisions regarding the best future approach for efficiency and growth and assisted the project team in sharing and communicating their logic.

Market Modelling

  • We worked with the client to build a detailed model of the current & future global market for their products, incorporating both feedback from stakeholders and internal and external data sources.
  • In order to provide additional detail on selected areas inside the market model, we carried out additional modelling work in conjunction with subject matter experts in the client’s business.
  • The market model was completed for the client including:
    • Model options to permit flexible analysis by geography, sector of the market and other lenses.
    • A wide range of data tables and visualisations to facilitate understanding & sharing.
    • Automatic export options for data and presentation materials into separate Excel and PowerPoint files.
  • This market model provided easily accessible and detailed information on the global market opportunity to everyone in the client’s business, supporting strategy and decision making.
Business meeting. Marketing strategy brainstorming. Paperwork and digital concept. Intentional sun glare and vintage colour